The sub division consists of three police stations, namely, Ghatal, Daspur & Chandrakona. It has 5 Panchayat Samities, 5 Municipalities, 48 Gram Panchayats, 692 villages & 691 mouzas.The north & north-eastern part is covered by Goghat & Khanakul PS of Hooghly district. Panskura PS of Purba Medinipur is in the west. Bagnan PS of Howrah district covers the eastern part of the sub division
Major part of Chandrakona II block is formed by extended portion of Chotanagpur plateu. Red latterite soil is the characteristic of this region. A special kind of yellowish soil called "Kanak Mati" is found at a village called Harisinghpur which is used to make earthen utensils.
Moving to other part of Chandrakona, the soil of the bank of River Shilaboti & Kethia is good for agrculture. Various tiny water bodies are found in this area which are used for pisiculture.
The soil of ghatal & daspur are having high nitrogen & potashium content. Hence, these areas are very useful for agriculture. Good amount of vegetables are cultivated across Daspur area
The major river of the sub division is Shilaboti. There are various tributaries & canals based on this river which helps in agriculture. This river is also the main cause of flood in the sub division. The river met Darakeswar river at a place called Bandar. Other notable but small rivers are Kethia, Burigang, Parang & Jhumi.
There are various big canals across the sub division. Out of these Palashpai Canal & Vosra Canal in Daspur, Donai Canal in Chandrakona & Katan Canal in Ghatal are noteworthy.
The major tribal population are found at chandrakona who belong to santal community. Additionally, presence of scheduled castes like Charmakar, Dom, Hari, Mal, Potua, Bauri, Bagdi
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